April Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

May Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

June Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

July Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

August Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

September Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

November Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown (Sunday)
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

Get It Done With a Drone - Cover Crop Field Day
Join us at the Seymour High School Ag Science Facility to learn how to use drones to plant cover crops into standing corn or soybeans.

Got Erosion? Get a HUAP! Livestock Field Day
Join us to tour Dean Manuel's farm in Brown County and learn about the soil & water conservation practices he has put in place including a heavy use area pad (HUAP) for his cattle.

November Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

Enjoy a guided paddle trip with Friends of Lake Monroe and DNR Naturalist Jill Vance.

60th Anniversary Shoreline Cleanup October 13
Join us for a special cleanup event in celebration of Lake Monroe’s 60th anniversary.

September Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

Lake Monroe Day Celebration Featuring Busman's Holiday
Enjoy wonderful music from Busman’s Holiday, heavy appetizers, a cash bar, and a chance to mingle with other lake supporters.

Trail 19 Hike with FLM and Sierra Club
Join Friends of Lake Monroe and Sierra Club for a hike on Trail 19 in Hoosier National Forest.

August Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

NEW PADDLER Sunset Paddle
Never been on the lake? Here’s your chance t enjoy a guided sunset paddle trip.

July Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

Septic Maintenance 101 Workshop
Learn the basics of septic system maintenance and hear about our new septic voucher program for up to $100 off septic tank pumping.

June Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

May Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown.

Nebo Ridge Hike - FLM and Sierra Club
Join Friends of Lake Monroe and Sierra Club for a hike along Nebo Ridge in Hoosier National Forest.

Soil Health Field Day
Learn from local producer Bill Duckworth how to rebuid soil health using no till planting and winter cover crops.

Community Forum on Management of Hoosier National Forest
Ask your questions about forest management in Hoosier National Forest.

April Shoreline Cleanup at Paynetown
Join us for our monthly adopt-a-shoreline cleanup at Paynetown

Fireside Chat - protecting Water Quality in Brown County
Join Friends of Lake Monroe, the Brown County Soil & Water Conservation District, and the Indiana University Environmental Resilience to learn about work that has been completed through FLM's Conservation Cost-Share Program along with other initiatives being spearheaded by the Brown County SWCD and future funding possibilities identified by the IU Environmental Resilience Institute.

Cleanups November
Please join us Sunday, Nov 19, 2 pm at the Paynetown State Recreation Area on State Road 446. Appropriate clothing for volunteers includes rugged shoes and gloves. The Friends of Lake Monroe will provide cleanup supplies. Kids under age 16 need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Events will be limited to 10 volunteers.

Our Wondrous Watershed
“Paynetown” by Doug Waters
Friends of Lake Monroe is pleased to present Our Wondrous Watershed, a new photo exhibit featuring work by fourteen members of the Bloomington Photography Club. Photos in the exhibit were captured in the Lake Monroe watershed, an area spanning more than 440 square miles, reaching into five counties.
Our Wondrous Watershed opens Friday, November 3rd at the Brick Room Gallery, 107 N College Avenue, and will be open from 5 to 8 PM each Friday during the month of November.

**RESCHEDULED** Conservation Across Generations - Field Day at Valley View Farms

SPECIAL October Cleanup
Please join us Thursday, October 19, 3:00-5:00pm for a SPECIAL cleanup event. We are partnering with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, the U.S. Forest Service, and several other organizations for a week of lake appreciation through service projects. Friends of Lake Monroe will host the Thursday afternoon cleanup at a new location – The Pointe Causeway over Sugar Creek.

Cleanups September
Please join us Thursday, Sept 21, 6 pm at the Paynetown State Recreation Area on State Road 446. Appropriate clothing for volunteers includes rugged shoes and gloves. The Friends of Lake Monroe will provide cleanup supplies. Kids under age 16 need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Events will be limited to 10 volunteers.

Guided Pontoon Trip
Join us for a pontoon trip. We’ll be joined by Jill Vance, IN DNR Naturalist for an interactive tour of Lake Monroe. This FLM member event is FREE and includes the use of PFDs - but is limited to 30. No experience necessary.