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Newsletter Archives

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October 2023 - Lake Monroe Day Summary, New Website, New Soil Testing Program

August 2023 - Lake Monroe Day Plans, Science Committe Update, Conservation Cost-Share Program Update

June 2023 - Thank You Bloomingfoods, Mark It With an “X”, Public Meeting Report

April 2023 - Round Up at Bloomingfoods, Public Meeting, Houston South Update, Kayak Trips

February 2023 - New Grant, New Conservation Cost-Share Program, Highlights from 2022

November 2022 - Watershed Summit, Lake Monroe Day Summary, Shoreline Cleanup with DNR

September 2022 - First Annual Lake Monroe Day, Water Pledge, Septic Program Summary

July 2022 - New Executive Director, LMSA Fundraiser Report, Audubon Grant for Youth Kayak Trips, Community Forums Report

May 2022 - Community Forums, Septic System Maintenance, Microplastics, Now Hiring

March 2022 - Watershed Management Plan Complete, New Septic Maintenance Program, Special Thanks for 2021 Volunteers

October 2021- The Art of Water Exhibit, Vote for FLM, Lake Monroe Watershed Tour Highlights

September 2021 - 5th Anniversary of FLM, Watershed Tour, Birding Paddle, Bloom Magazine Article

July 2021 - New Educational Banners, Conserving Water, Yellowwood Hike, Shoreline Cleanups

May 2021 - Pokey Says Keep It Clean, Community Engagement Report, Earth Day Report

March 2021 - Hurrah for Members, Butterfly Walk, Water Sampling Update, Earth Day Approaching

February 2021 - Special Announcement: Volunteer at Spring Sampling Blitz

January 2021 - Review of 2020: Developing a Watershed Management Plan

November 2020 - Lake Monroe Sailing Association Designated Clean Marina, Education Update, Membership Drive

September 2020 - What A Wonderful Fall Sampling Blitz, Become a Member, Shoreline Cleanups

July 2020 - Virtual Public Meeting with Nature Photography, Volunteers Needed for Fall Sampling Blitz, Water Sampling Overview

May 2020 - Spring Sampling Blitz Postponed, Importance of Lake Monroe, Compiling Information for Watershed Plan

March 2020 - Spring Sampling Blitz Postponed, Surveying the Lake Monroe Watershed

January 2020 - 2019 In Review

November 2019 - Watershed Management Plan Development Overview

September 2019 - Preparing to Develop Watershed Management Plan, Annual Large Shoreline Cleanup

August 2019 - New 319 Grant for Watershed Management Plan, Hazards of Monofilament Fishing Line

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