COnservation cost-share Program

Friends of Lake Monroe has funding available for the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) that reduce erosion and water pollution.  This funding is available to landowners in the Lake Monroe watershed, which spans portions of Monroe, Brown, and Jackson Counties.  The project is part of our larger efforts to implement the 2022 Lake Monroe Watershed Management Plan.  There are many best management practices that can be implemented.  Most will be funded at 75% of the total cost (the landowner pays 25%) with a contract limit of $10,000.00 for each participant.   

Friends of Lake Monroe Can Help You Save Soil And Protect Streams 

To Obtain Funding, Projects Must Meet the Following Requirements

Properties must be located within the Lake Monroe watershed. (Interactive map of Lake Monroe watershed) 

Projects must use an approved best management practice to address resource concerns by reducing sediment, nutrient, or fecal contamination entering nearby water bodies. 

Projects must be approved by the Lake Monroe Cost-Share Program Advisory Committee prior to project installation. 

How Our Program Works 

Friends of Lake Monroe, in partnership with the Monroe County, Brown County, and Jackson County Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD), will provide landowner assistance and consultation free of charge.  Contact Lake Monroe Watershed Coordinator Maggie Sullivan (, 812-558-0217) or your local SWCD to discuss your project and learn more about the program.  

Our Watershed Coordinator will meet with you to review your project and help you complete the program application.  This will include developing a cost estimate, obtaining site plans and photographs, and determining any additional needs to process your application. All projects will be scored based on subwatershed location; proximity to a water body; and potential for reducing sediment, E.coli, and nutrient pollution. 

Completed applications will be reviewed quarterly (submission deadlines are September 1, December 1, March 1, and June 1).  Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision within one month.

 If you’re a landowner in the Lake Monroe Watershed, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.  We are excited to support you in getting projects installed. Please contact Maggie Sullivan at or 812-558-0217 to get started. 

Associated Events

  • Agricultural field days  

  • Forestry best management practice training  

  • Septic system maintenance workshops

  • Lake Monroe boat tours

  • Shoreline cleanups at Paynetown State Recreation Area  

Learn more on our Events page, sign up for our Newsletter,
or follow us on

Quarterly Updates

Friends of Lake Monroe will provide regular project updates through its newsletter, public meetings, and on its blog.  Quarterly updates will be posted in February, May, August, and November of 2023 and 2024 with a final report posted in May 2025.   

Contact Info

Want to learn more about the Lake Monroe Watershed Conservation Cost-Share Program? Please reach out to
watershed coordinator , Maggie Sullivan at or 812-558-0217.