Lake Monroe Community Action Initiative

About the Program

In February 2022, Friends of Lake Monroe launched the Lake Monroe Community Action Initiative with financial support from the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County and the Monroe County Stormwater Board.  Our goal was to inform the local community about the newly completed Lake Monroe Watershed Management Plan and engage their support in implementing our action plan.  Improving water quality in Lake Monroe is a long-term project that will require support and collaboration from across the watershed.

Program Overview

The Lake Monroe Community Action Initiative had six main components:

  • Public forums in 2022 to present the Lake Monroe Watershed Management Plan and ask community members to share their ideas of how to mobilize our community to take action, make a pledge for water quality, and help us prioritize project implementation.  Three forums were held presenting the same information.

    • May 24 in Bloomington, Indiana

    • June 9 in Nashville, Indiana

    • June 15 virtually via Zoom

  • Presentations to community groups throughout the watershed including governmental commissions, business organizations, environmental groups, and service organizations. If your organization would like a 15-minute presentation, please contact Lake Monroe Watershed Coordinator Maggie Sullivan at

  • Circulation of the Lake Monroe Watershed Management Plan Executive Summary to key stakeholders including government officials, community leaders, educators, and members from all the partner organizations that helped us create the plan.

  • Watershed Summit for local leaders to discuss collaborations across different government bodies to support implementation of the Watershed Management Plan, held on October 22nd. The Lake Monroe watershed spans portions of five counties and also includes large areas of state and federal land.  Coordination and collaboration will be key to the successful implementation of the watershed plan.

  • Pilot septic system maintenance cost-share program in the Lake Monroe watershed portion of Monroe County. Education and vouchers were provided to homeowners to offset the cost of septic tank pumping and inspection.  Homeowners should pump their septic tank every three years to keep their septic system in good shape and catch any problems while they are small.  We hope to expand the cost-share program into neighboring counties in the future.

  • Development and distribution of educational materials about issues facing Lake Monroe via the FLM website, social media, press releases, and other channels. FLM has partnered with Monroe County Stormwater and the Monroe County Health Department to develop materials related to stormwater management, septic system maintenance, forestry best management practices, and other key concerns.

Quarterly Updates

Friends of Lake Monroe will provide regular project updates through its newsletter, public meetings, and on its blog. 
Quarterly updates will be posted in April, July, and October of 2022 with a final report posted in January 2023.

Contact Info

Friends of Lake Monroe will provide regular project updates through its newsletter , public meetings, and on its blog.  Quarterly updates will be posted in April, July, and October of 2022 with a final report posted in Spring 2023.