Join us in Brown County on Thursday November 14 to tour the farm of Dean and April Manuel (7595 Bob Allen Road, Freetown) and see the soil & water conservation practices he has put in place on his beef cattle operation. Highlights include a recently reclaimed pasture, a heavy use area pad (HUAP), an access road between the HUAP and the barn, and a new pond. Dean and his family have been living on the property (and off the grid) for over 25 years and he has tons of great stories to share.
Soil erosion is a challenge anywhere that livestock gather, particularly around feeders and waterers. A HUAP is a pad made of rock and lime that provides a solid surface for the animals to stand even when the ground is wet and muddy. The pad is also easy to scrape clean of manure. On many farms, a gravel access road is installed leading to the HUAP to allow the easy passage of both animals and equipment. Come and see the setup at Dean’s farm and hear how it has been working for him. We will also talk about our Conservation Cost-Share Program which covers up to 75% of the cost of select conservation practices.
Register today using the form below.