December News From Friends of Lake Monroe

December News from Friends of Lake Monroe
Two Successful Field Days
We had a great turnout for our livestock field day at Dean Manuel's farm on November 14.  The rainy weather gave us an excellent visual of how Heavy Use Area Pads (HUAPs) help keep livestock out of the mud.  HUAPs also make manure management easier, another way to keep our water clean.  
We had another good crowd for our field day on November 21 about planting cover crops with drones.  We briefly braved the snow and then retreated back inside the Seymour High School Ag Science Facility for discussion and dinner.  Many thanks to Premier Ag for providing speakers and sponsoring dinner!
Read more about the field days and see more photos on our website.  These field days were part of our Lake Monroe Watershed Conservation Cost-Share Program funded by a 319 grant from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.  This program provides funding for soil and water conservation projects in the watershed.   We are pleased to report that eight of the ten projects we have approved will be complete by the end of this year.  We also received a project extension and an additional $15,000 in cost-share funding.  Want to improve soil & water conservation on your property?  Please contact coordinator Maggie Sullivan at or 812-558-0217 for more information and a free consultation.
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Cheryl Munson: 1944-2024
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of FLM Board Member Cheryl Munson.  Cheryl joined the FLM board in 2018 and served continuously until her death on December 10, 2024.  She most recently served as Vice President.  Cheryl was admired and respected by many, including the board members who worked closely with her to protect Lake Monroe.  We will miss her smile, her kindness, her energy and her can do attitude.  Here are some of the thoughts board members and other FLM supporters have conveyed:
“Cheryl was so gracious and kind, thoughtful, passionate and persistent. I’m better for knowing her.”

“The superlatives to describe Cheryl are endless. Some that come to mind: open hearted, insightful, generous to a fault, she would always be sure to inquire about my spouse even before they were introduced, so beyond kind! Yes, we will miss her smile and calm demeanor, as well.”

“I knew Cheryl only a little.  It was obvious despite her light touch that she was very accomplished and also great at working with people.  She had a great smile and wanted to keep contributing to the people around her even when her health wasn't so good.  She'll be remembered.”

“I would agree with everything mentioned and would add how generous she was in ALL ways, sharing ideas and knowledge, sharing her prized zinnias plantings every spring and boxes of tomatoes and peppers every fall. She opened up her farmhouse for food, fun, and meetings, but most importantly sharing her smile, great warmth and enthusiasm with every step she took.”
Cheryl’s spirit will stay with us.  She is gone but will not be forgotten.
Take Action to Expand the Deam Wilderness
Tell Congress to expand the Deam Wilderness and protect our water supply! We need Senator Todd Young and the rest of the Indiana delegation to support S. 4402 in the Senate and its companion H.R. 8535 in the House.  This legislation would more than double the size of the Charles C. Deam Wilderness Area and establish the new Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area adjacent to the expanded wilderness in the Hoosier National Forest.  
If you drink City of Bloomington water or live in the Lake Monroe Watershed, this bill is especially important to you as it provides safeguards to prevent the pollution of the lake and watershed.

Contact your representative in the House by following this link. (You can either use the sample letter or copy your representative's email address and send your own letter urging them to support this initiative and letting them know that this is an important safeguard for our drinking water and our forest.)

It is also important to contact Senator Todd Young.  Call him at 202-224-5623 or fill out the contact form at  Another option is to contact his Legislative Assistant for Public Lands, Burke Miller, at

Thank you for helping us protect Lake Monroe and its watershed!
Round Up for Friends of Lake Monroe in January
Friends of Lake Monroe was chosen as the Positive Change recipient at Bloomingfoods for the month of January 2024.  Round up at the register to support our organization!  Donations collected the first week of January will be doubled by an anonymous donor.  

This is also a great way to increase awareness of our work.  We will have an information table set up a couple of times in early January.  If you see us, drop by to say hi!
New Board Member Lisa Townsend

Welcome Lisa Townsend to the Friends of Lake Monroe Board of Directors!  Lisa is a retired marketing professional who served as the Executive Director of Marketing for the IU system and as Vice President of Marketing and External Relations for The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. She also holds a master’s degree in organic chemistry from Purdue University and is a former science educator. Lisa is an avid traveler and loves gardening, hiking, camping, and SCUBA diving. 

Winter Fun at the Lake
Are you a winter lake visitor?  It may be too cold for swimming but there is still plenty of beauty and birds to be found.  Some fun upcoming events include the First Day Trail Run at Fairfax on January 1 and the Eagles Over Monroe celebration February 1-4 at various locations around the lake.
Become a Member!
Friends of Lake Monroe depends on members like you to keep our organization strong.  Join today to help us keep the lake drinkable, swimmable, and fishable.  Individual membership starts at $25 annually.

You can sign up on FLM's website here:

Whether or not you are a member, you are also welcome to financially support FLM's work through a one-time donation here:

Thank you for your support!  
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Looking Back on 2024 (January 2025 Newsletter)


Q8 Update - new funding and two successful field days