The Friends Of Lake Monroe Wins City Of Bloomington’s Sustainability Award

Friends of Lake Monroe logoThe City of Bloomington’s Volunteer Network honored the Friends of Lake Monroe Steering Committee with the “Be More Sustainable” Award which highlights outstanding volunteers in our community.  A plaque and $500 from the Community Foundation was awarded to the Steering Committee before a full house that night at the Buskirk-Chumley Theatre.

“Over the last two years, these six volunteers have connected over 150 people with local experts and stakeholders under the collective umbrella of an ambitious goal - to keep the lake clean.”

Friends of Lake Monroe is a citizen’s volunteer driven group dedicated to finding solutions to improve the water quality of Lake Monroe by enhancing its use as a drinking water, recreational, and ecological resource. The Committee's service includes outreach, educational events, connecting with stakeholders, and developing scientific programs. Though several groups are involved with managing Lake Monroe, no entity shares this group’s scope: to protect and preserve the lake and its watershed. Lake Monroe is the sole drinking water source for Bloomington and surrounding counties. Without a clean lake, the city would suffer significant health and economic impacts.


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