Highlights From Our January Meeting

  • Cara Bergschneider explained how the Natural Resources Conservation Service funds and promotes conservation practices such as use of cover crops, filter strips, grass waterways, tree rows, rotational grazing and invasive species removal.
  • Dave Simcox reported on HB1289 which would restrict Monroe County’s ability to regulate logging near Lake Monroe. Dave will forward an action plan to our FOLM members through the website and FB.
  • Signup available to choose a time to volunteer to cleanup trash along the shoreline at Paynetown Recreation Area.
  • A membership fee to join FOLM will be set at a minimum donation of at least $20  to show commitment and support for the organization. Scholarships will be available.
  • The Nature Conservancy has funded a graduate student to work with IU SPEA analyzing existing data for Lake Monroe.
  • The City of Bloomington is hiring an intern to enter their data into the computer.
  • Next meeting is set for March 22 from 6:00-8:00 with guest speaker Rex Watters, who will speak about resource management in the Lake Monroe watershed.

The Friends Of Lake Monroe Wins City Of Bloomington’s Sustainability Award


Watershed Leadership Academy