Notice Of Intent Filed With The Indiana Department Of Environmental Management

FLM has filed a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management announcing our intention to apply for a Section 319 grant to develop a watershed management plan. FLM board members will be working with Indiana University faculty and staff to prepare the grant application, which is due September 1.IDEM's Regional Watershed Specialist, Kathleen Hagan, spoke at the May 24 FLM meeting about watershed planning and the Section 319 program.  A Section 319 "Watershed Management Plan" is a guide that members of the public can use to organize conservation efforts over a period of several years.  The plan documents an inventory of data about the watershed; identifies problems (such as pollution or sedimentation) and causes (such as land use practices); and describes measures that can address the problems, goals to be achieved, quantitative indicators of progress towards the goals, and a plan for tracking progress.  Easy (not)!If FLM's application is accepted, IDEM would make funds available starting next July (2019).  IDEM will finance up to 60% of project costs, so at least 40% must come from other sources.  FLM will be asking for matching contributions from local governments, businesses, and IU.  Also, IDEM disburses funding as reimbursement for eligible expenses already incurred by the grantee, so FLM would have to finance activities out of working capital.Interested in participating?Contact Us


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