Growing Support

Friends of Lake Monroe is applying to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management for a "319" grant to hire a watershed coordinator and develop a watershed management plan.  The term 319 refers to the section of the Clean Water Act that charges the EPA with funding states and tribal groups to plan and implement measures to reduce non-point source water pollution.  Many organizations have stepped up to offer support, including Representatives Chris May and Matt Pierce, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Geological Survey, Indiana University, Monroe County Stormwater Board, Monroe County Commissioners, the City of Bloomington, The Nature Conservancy and the Monroe County League of Women Voters, just to name a few.  FLM board members have contacted area businesses, Soil and Water Conservation Districts in Jackson, Brown and Monroe Counties, Jackson and Brown County Commissioners and many others.  Letters of support are still pouring in.  Sherry Mitchell-Bruker spoke before The Monroe County Council, where a resolution was passed acknowledging the vital importance of Lake Monroe and the support of the council for FLM's 319 grant application.  Thanks to all for the support you have shown for our work.


Interview with IFA about the Proposed Logging in Hoosier National Forest


Notice Of Intent Filed With The Indiana Department Of Environmental Management