Live near the lake? Visit the lake? Get involved today.
We’re always looking for volunteers and partners.
Why wait? Pick up trash whenever you visit the lake or join our team on a scheduled cleanup.
Join A Committee!
Committees are a key to growing the work of Friends of Lake Monroe. The Development Committee focuses on fundraising, event planning, and membership recruitment. To learn more, please contact Jim Krause at: development@friendsoflakemonroe.org.
The Community Science Committee creates opportunities for volunteers to assist with water quality monitoring or other data collection. To learn more, please contact Maggie Sullivan at watershed@friendsoflakemonroe.org.
Shoreline Cleanups
Each month from April through November, volunteers assist the Friends of Lake Monroe by picking up trash at the Paynetown State Recreation Area as part of the DNR’s Adopt-A-Shoreline program. This activity is part of FLM’s effort to help provide a safer, cleaner, more enjoyable experience for those who use the lake. It also provides an educational opportunity for those who participate in the events and develops a sense of pride among the volunteers. Upcoming cleanups are posted under the Events tab.
Registration is requested so that we can notify volunteers if there are changes due to bad weather or other concerns.
Looking for something different?
Have a special skill to offer?
Share your interest using the form below and we’ll find the best opportunity for you!
We’re always looking for volunteers and appreciate the opportunity to work with you.