Lake Monroe Watershed Bus Tour

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“Make some new friends as you get to know your watershed”

Sponsored by Friends of Lake Monroe

 Saturday, October 2, 2021, 10 am-2 pm  - OR - Sunday, October 3, 2021, 2 pm-6 pm    Let us know your preference in the survey below. Program will include speakers Sherry Mitchell Bruker (founder of FLM), Maggie Sullivan (FLM watershed coordinator), and others as we visit:

  • Stillwater Marsh
  • Yellowwood Dam
  • Green Valley Road
  • Stone Head Nature Preserve
  • Lake Monroe Dam and spillway
  • And several other highlights enroute

Have you ever wondered what comprises the Lake Monroe watershed?  Join us to make new friends as we explore the serene wetlands of Stillwater Marsh, view the dense forests which surround scenic Yellowwood dam, gain an understanding about erosion management as we travel the verdant pastures of Green Valley Road, explore Stone Head’s delightful gardens as you witness and learn about conservation management, find out what an emergency spillway is for, and finally experience the power of water as exits Monroe Lake.  Cap it off with delicious homemade desserts and a beverage of choice.

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Let us know when you would prefer to participate

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